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Old Sep 22, 2007, 01:11 PM // 13:11   #61
Wilds Pathfinder
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Originally Posted by Gli
I don't really have anything to add, just chiming in to say you attributed some quotes to me that weren't mine, Fitz, in your last post.
I appologise for the error and corrected it.

I used C&P and attempted to respond to yours also. It must have gotten lost in the shuffle.

I don't agree that one should only have maybe 60% of the cost of an armor by the time one has finished the entire game.
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Old Sep 22, 2007, 03:45 PM // 15:45   #62
Lion's Arch Merchant
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You have 10 characters and you're complaining about the price of vabbi armor? You have to farm to afford it?

I bought a whole set of vabbi armor without paying for one ruby or sapphire, back when it was much more expensive than today. How? Ten characters - went through all the vabbi quests and you get more than enough trade contracts for all the rubies and sapphires you need. I even had enough left over to buy another character chest and leg pieces without having to buy a single ruby. I even had rubies left over to sell after that.

And if you're not willing to put in the effort to farm or do the quests, then the hall of monuments is not designed for you.
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Old Sep 22, 2007, 05:48 PM // 17:48   #63
Furnace Stoker
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Originally Posted by Kalendraf
Unfortunately, the chance of that salvage is extremely slim. I've salvaged well over a 100 of those, and have only hit 1 gem so far. By my calculations, I would have actually been money ahead at this point if I'd simply sold those items straight to the merchant.
You must have really really really shitty luck.

I get about 1:2 or 1:3 i've gotten more gems from white ones then gold jeweled daggers.
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Old Sep 22, 2007, 08:20 PM // 20:20   #64
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What it really comes down to, and I stated it earlier, is that the 15k armor and above is "vanity armor." There is nothing wrong with the 1.5k max armor scattered throughout the game, except for the fact that you personally don't like the looks of it. Vanity comes with a price, and Anet isn't FORCING you to buy it. Your ele can finish the all of the chapters of the game with a set of 1.5k Drok's Stormforged (which mine has,) and some collector wands and foci. Anything on top of that is gravy. The fact that none of the styles of ele armor, except for Vabbian (vanity) don't suit your particular set of aesthetics is immaterial.

Hey, I don't necessarily love the looks of a $150 suit, but I sure as hell can't afford a $5000 Versace. Does that give me the right to demand of Versace that they sell me a suit at $150, because it would take me a year to scrape together enough disposable cash to buy it at their price?
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Old Sep 23, 2007, 06:34 AM // 06:34   #65
Wilds Pathfinder
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<3 female* ele armor
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Old Sep 23, 2007, 07:08 AM // 07:08   #66
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I never found any of the Elite armour sets to mix all that well in the first place. If I don't like the look of the overall armour, I just look for something better.

Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
But I am terribly old fashioned and actually think women look good in a dress. (I know - it is horrid to think women should look good. .)
Well I'm terribly archaic and think that women should be allowed to wander around in whatever they find comfortable. If a woman finds it comfortable to wander around with no pants on, that's her choice.

Believe it or not, most ancient cultures were fine with women (and men) running around with basically nothing on in public. Then the world got "civilized" by Europeans.

Also, do you have any idea how uncomfortable a dress can be?
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